Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Should Be Banned!!!

It's crazy how this materialistic society can make total fools out of people. It seems as though on Black Friday... The stores are filled with poor people spending their last or entire paychecks on marked up, low quality, products. Products that are limited to a few per store, but marketed and advertised to millions of shoppers. Seems like an all to well hustle to me..... Trying to catch 100 fish with one worm! I really liked this quote when is saw it. It made so much sense..... "He who buys what he does not need steals from himself."------

1 comment:

  1. It should be banned but it won't, because at the end of the day the retailers and major investors are making a profit and usually those investors, owners, etc. have some ties to politicians. Therefore it won't be banned because they have no problems with the consumers making fools out of themselves as long as those fools are spending money they don't care. I tried black friday one time and that was last year got there about 6am that was too late people were out there way before that I got in there and the tv I wanted was gone no more in stock they told me they were getting another shipment in later so I left and decided to call later just to see if the shipment was coming in never did there was no shipment they wanted me to come back so that I could purchase something since th tv I wanted wasnt there they probably figured I would buy something being that came all that way. that was my fisrt and last time trying to shop on black friday I can do without it. Its all a ploy to get your money I work to hard to give it to them.
