Friday, November 25, 2011

The Power of -I AM-

The Power of "I AM"

When the individual says "I AM", he is using the Creative Attribute of the Godhead and announcing Creation at his particular point in the Universe.

The vibratory action of the Word "I AM", either in thought or spoken word, is the Release of the Power of Creation; and whatever quality follows that Decree is instantly imposed upon the electronic substance in the ethers. This being the only substance and energy in existence whose nature is to be qualified in some manner, it must outpicture the pattern within the Decree.

If the Decree be always for Perfection, then the experiences in the individual's world express the Fullness of the Plan of Life; but if the individual does not send forth that Decree, it is impossible for that Perfection to outpicture in his experiences until the Decree is released into the ethers in which he lives.

Every individual can think Perfection at every instant, if he only will, and it takes no more substance and energy to build Beautiful, Perfect Forms and Experiences than it does the imperfect; but if the individual wants this Perfection expressed in his own world, he must use his own energy to utter the Decree which will release that Perfection unto him. Such is the Law of his Being.

1 comment:

  1. Please keep in mind.... That sometimes different variations of how a word is pronounced or written can also alter its impact and or lessen it's meaning. And so I truly believe that the word "I'm" has a lesser impact than the initial and correct wordage "I AM"..... just something to think about. I also check the origin of the definition of the word ''Apostrophe'' and it was ironic what I saw..... The word 'Elide' stuck out or Elude..... As in turn away from...... You do the math!!


    1580–90; < MF (with pron. later altered by confusion with apostrophe2), r. earlier apostrophus < LL (> MF) < Gk apóstrophos (prosōidía) eliding (mark), lit., (mark) of turning away, verbid of apostréphein to turn away, equiv. to apo- apo- + stréphein to turn; see strophe po- + stréphein to turn; see strophe
